Grant Cardone
I spoke to Grant Cardone, who is an international sales training expert, New York Times best-selling author, and motivational speaker. He is the host of National Geographic Channel’s, “Turnaround King.” Grant is a regular contributor on Fox & Friends and has also been covered in The Wall Street Journal, CNBC, CNN, and over 700 radio shows nationwide. Grant has written four books to inspire those who want to achieve success: “Sell To Survive” (2008), “The Closers Survival Guide” (2009), “If You’re Not First, You’re Last” (2010) and “The 10X Rule,” (2011). You can join his Mastermind Group live on Ustream.com. Google+ and how have you used it to build your business?
Google+ has allowed me to reach new audiences and make myself better known amongst the most tech savvy people on the planet. It provides a means by which those that have an interest in me can have more intimate interaction through video hangout. I have spent time with people in India, Pakistan, Croatia, Australia and South Africa that would never had known me through other social media platforms where I am limited to 140 characters or a posting.
Where do you see Google+ going in the future?
G+ will be a dominating force in social media that will take market share from other players. This is not to suggest like some say that this is a ‘Facebook-Killer’ platform as I don’t believe that to be the case. However, when you consider the popularity of the Android platform and vertical integration they look to be headed with the Motorola Mobility they will be a force.
Can you explain what “The 10X Rule” is and why it’s important?
Clearly a majority of people in society has underestimated what it takes to create success at home, in their finances, and in the workplace. The middle class in America is suffering because it has used the wrong financial policy – “Work just enough, save just enough, make just enough.” It doesn’t work. The 10X Rule demonstrates to the reader that they MUST set goals 10X higher than they want to achieve and make 10X the effort to achieve their goals. It shows you exactly the why and the how of it.
You are the star of “The Turnaround King” on National Geographic. What tips do you suggest to business owners who are having trouble in this economy?
The economy is not the problem, it is problematic but not the problem. Business owners must make a shift in the new economy, stop blaming and criticizing and save your energy for the solution. The creation of revenue is the solution for any business. Disregard the bad news and reposition all resources toward revenue creation.
Why is selling so hard for people and how has selling changed from years ago?
Selling is more difficult than in any other time because first of all the average salesperson in the workforce today hasn’t even read one sales book. With the access to information and opportunities via the internet, increased competition in every sector and squeezed margins on products and services, sales people in every industry need to be 10X better than ever before.
Dan Schawbel, recognized as a “personal branding guru” by The New York Times, is the Managing Partner of Millennial Branding, LLC, a full-service personal branding agency. Dan is the author of Me 2.0: 4 Steps to Building Your Future, the founder of the Personal Branding Blog, and publisher of Personal Branding Magazine. He has worked with companies such as Google, Time Warner, Symantec, IBM, EMC, and CitiGroup.