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includes audience interaction; for both kids and adults; Community Presbyterian Church, 1501 W. Brigantine Ave., Brigantine; $12. 347-920-6399 or SouthJerseyPlayers.org.
SHOWMAN OTIS G. BELLOWS PRESENTATION: 1 to 3 p.m.; special guest Brittney Ingersoll will be giving a historical presentation about local showman Otis G. Bellows; Vineland Historical and Antiquarian Society, 108 S. Seventh St., Vineland; free, $5 donation welcome. 856-691-1111.
SOMERS POINT FARMERS MARKET: 8 a.m. to noon Saturdays through Sept. 3; fresh Jersey fruits, veggies, meats, baked goods, handmade items, coffee, lemonade, CBD products, honey, blueberries, fresh cut flowers and more; Somers Mansion, 1000 Shore Road, Somers Point. 609-675-1056.
WEEKLY SATURDAY OPEN GAMING: 2 to 4 p.m. Saturdays; join friends to play mah-jongg, scrabble, canasta or pinochle; masks required; Longport Public Library, 2305 Atlantic Ave., Longport. 609-487-7403 or LongportPublicLibrary.org.
Monday, Aug. 29
BASIC STEPS & BEGINNER LINE DANCING: 6 to 7 p.m.; with Cathy Cashmere; Wildwood Crest Branch, 6300 Atlantic Ave., Wildwood Crest. 609-463-6350 or Events.CMCLibrary.org.
BEACHCOMBING THE CREST: 6 to 7 p.m.; with Sue Slotterback; don’t forget your bucket; Wildwood Crest Branch, 6300 Atlantic Ave., Wildwood Crest. 609-463-6350 or Events.CMCLibrary.org.
‘BLUEBERRY AND CRANBERRY FARMING IN SOUTH JERSEY’: 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.; learn about blueberries and cranberries’ long history in southern New Jersey; Tuckerton Branch Library, 380 Bay Ave., Tuckerton. 732-349-6200 or TheOceanCountyLibrary.org.
MORNING LINE DANCING: 11 a.m. to noon Mondays through Aug. 29; with Susan Pennypacker; weekly line dancing; Wildwood Crest Branch, 6300 Atlantic Ave., Wildwood Crest. 609-463-6350 or Events.CMCLibrary.org.
ONE-ON-ONE COMPUTER HELP: 10 to 11 a.m. Mondays and Tuesdays through Aug. 30; Atlantic County Library System, 134 Philadelphia Ave., Egg Harbor City. 609-804-1063 or AtlanticLibrary.org.
Tuesday, Aug. 30
CASA FOR CHILDREN VOLUNTEER INFORMATION SESSION: 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Aug. 2, 30; attending an Information Session is the first step to becoming a CASA volunteer; Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) for Children of Atlantic and Cape May Counties, 321 Shore Road, Somers Point. 609-601-7800 or AtlanticCapeCASA.org.
DANCE SOCIETY: 7:30 to 10 p.m. Tuesdays; couples and singles, line dancing, social dancing, dance mixers; Fire Co. #1 Hall, Bethel Road, Somers Point; $10. 609-408-3619.
INTERMEDIATE SPANISH CONVERSATION VIRTUAL CLASS: 5 to 6 p.m. Tuesdays; intermediate-level Spanish Conversation class via Zoom; Atlantic City Free Public Library, 1 N. Tennessee Ave., Atlantic City. 609-345-2269 or ACFPL.org.
TRIVIA: 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.; Public Library, 2305 Atlantic Ave., Longport. 609-487-7403 or LongportPublicLibrary.org.
Wednesday, Aug. 31
CUMBERLAND COUNTY LIBRARY ONLINE MOVIE CLUB: 6:30 to 8 p.m. fourth Wednesdays; hosted by Cumberland County Library; for ages 18 and older; watch movies for free with Hoopla, then meet up on Zoom for discussion; registration required. 856-453-2210, ext. 26103 or CCLNJ.org.
ENTREPRENEUR NETWORKING MEETING: 10 to 11 a.m.; learn how the library can help you in your business endeavors; Wildwood Crest Branch, 6300 Atlantic Ave., Wildwood Crest; registration requested. 609-463-6350 or Events.CMCLibrary.org.
FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT: 6 to 8 p.m.; Atlantic County Library System, 451 S. Egg Harbor Road, Hammonton. 609-561-2264 or AtlanticLibrary.org.
ONLINE MOVIE CLUB: 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. fourth Wednesdays; hosted by Cumberland County Library; for ages 18 and older; meeting on Zoom. 856-453-2210, ext. 26103 or CCLNJ.org.
Thursday, Sept. 1
TOWNSHIP OF HAMILTON GREEN TEAM MEETING: 7 to 8:30 p.m. first Thursdays; join the Township of Hamilton Green Team to see how you can make a difference; Municipal Building, 6101 13th St., Mays Landing. TownshipOfHamilton.com.
Monday, Sept. 5
HAMMONTON GREEN COMMITTEE & COMMUNITY GARDEN MEETING: 6:30 to 8 p.m.; find out what’s happening and get involved with the Hammonton Community Garden and other projects and initiatives with the Green Committee; Hammonton Town Hall, 100 Central Ave., Third Floor Meeting Room, Hammonton. 609-335-2750 or HammontonGreenCommittee.com.
Friday, Sept. 9
SECOND FRIDAY ART RECEPTION: 6 to 8 p.m. second Fridays; celebrate the opening of newest galleries; The Noyes Arts Garage Stockton University, 2200 Fairmount Ave., Atlantic City. 609-626-3805 or ArtsGarageAC.com.
Monday, Sept. 12
‘CIVIC PARTICIPATION IN CANCER ALLEY’ PRESENTATION: 7 p.m.; virtual and in-person event hosted by the Ocean County Library Toms River Branch; program about New Jersey’s environment, its impacts, and ways that residents can address them; presented by environmental scientist Thomas Belton; Ocean County Library, 101 Washington St., Toms River, registration required. TheOceanCountyLibrary.org/events.
Thursday, Sept. 15
CRAFT-TASTIC: 6 to 7 p.m. third Thursdays; adults make a craft; Atlantic County Library System, 305 New Jersey Ave., Absecon; registration required. 609-646-2228 or AtlanticLibrary.org.
Saturday, Sept. 17
ELECTRONIC RECYCLING FUNDRAISER: 9 a.m. to noon third Saturdays through December; Atlantic County 4-H Robotics club hosts an electronic recycling fundraiser; Atlantic County 4-H Fairgrounds, 3210 Route 50, Mays Landing. 609-703-1549 or AC4HFair.org.
Monday, Sept. 19
SCRABBLE NIGHT: 6 to 7:30 p.m.; Scrabble night for adults; Public Library, 235 32nd St., Avalon. AvalonFreeLibrary.org.
Wednesday, Sept. 21
ATLANTIC CITY FALL CIVILIAN ACADEMY: noon to 2 p.m. Wednesdays, Sept. 21 through Nov. 16; goal is to foster and promote an understanding by the citizens in Atlantic City of the services and challenges facing public safety personnel; classes cover topics such as police public relations, chaplains, gang awareness, emergency management and more; AC Police Athletic League, 250 N. New York Ave., Atlantic City; free. 609-347-6836.
Wednesday, Aug. 24
TOUR THROUGH TIME FUNDRAISER: 5 to 8 p.m.; Fifth Annual Tour Through Time Fundraiser to support further development of Stone Harbor Museum’s historical archives; cocktail reception, live entertainment, open bar, heavy passed and stationed hors d’oeuvres, dessert table, and curated auction; The Reeds at Shelter Haven, 9601 Third Ave., Stone Harbor; $150. ReedsAtShelterHaven.com.
Thursday, Aug. 25
BETH ISRAEL HOLDS SCHOOL SUPPLY DRIVE: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays through Aug. 25; Beth Israel is collecting new school supplies to be donated to the New Hope Baptist Church in Atlantic City for families in need; Congregation Beth Israel, 2501 Shore Road, Northfield. 609-641-3600.
Saturday, Sept. 17
ATLANTIC COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS ELECTRONIC RECYCLING FUNDRAISER: 9 a.m. to noon third Saturdays; drop off old electronics at Recycling Barn at the fairgrounds; accepting TVs, computers, home appliances, office equipment and more; Atlantic County Fairgrounds, 3210 Route 50, Mays Landing. 609-703-1549 or AC4HFair.org.
For kids</&h1>
Wednesday, Aug. 24
KIDS’ EVENT CRAFTY WEDNESDAY: 10 to 11 a.m. Wednesdays through Aug. 31; Public Library, 235 32nd St., Avalon. 609-967-7155.
Thursday, Aug. 25
LEGO THURSDAY: 10 to 11 a.m. Thursdays through Sept. 1; Public Library, 235 32nd St., Avalon. 609-967-7155 or AvalonFreeLibrary.org.
NOW REGISTERING FOR BETH ISRAEL SUNDAY SCHOOL: classes begin Sept. 11; Beth Israel is now registering for its Religious School and Sunday School Pre-K programs for 2022-23; involves Jewish value-based and Hebrew curriculum infused with cooking and art experiences; Congregation Beth Israel, 2501 Shore Road, Northfield. 609-641-3600.
Saturday, Aug. 27
KIDS DIY: 1 to 2 p.m. fourth Saturdays through August; Atlantic County Library System, 305 New Jersey Ave., Absecon. 609-646-2228 or AtlanticLibrary.org.
STORYTIME FOR TOTS: 10 to 11 a.m. Saturdays; ages 3 to 5 years; enjoy a different story and craft; Atlantic County Library System, 33 Martin Luther King Junior Ave., Pleasantville; registration required. 609-641-1778 or AtlanticLibrary.org.
Sunday, Aug. 28
SUMMER KIDS PROGRAM — STORYTIME & CRAFT: 10:30 to 11 a.m. Sundays through Sept. 18; join for Storytime and Craft; help your kids develop love for books and literature while making new friends; Public Library, 2305 Atlantic Ave., Longport. 609-487-7403 or LongportPublicLibrary.org.
Monday, Aug. 29
KIDS’ EVENT: BOOK BINGO: 10 to 11 a.m.; a few rounds of bingo and the chance to win some great books or other prizes; Public Library, 235 32nd St., Avalon. AvalonFreeLibrary.org.
PRESCHOOL STORYTIME: 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Mondays; for ages 2 to 4; latest books and some old favorites will help introduce new vocabulary and reinforce learning; Atlantic County Library System, 134 Philadelphia Ave., Egg Harbor City; registration required. 609-804-1063 or AtlanticLibrary.org.
Tuesday, Aug. 30
MINDFUL STORYTIME WITH MISS BETH: OUTDOOR EDITION: 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Tuesdays through Aug. 30; Atlantic County Library System, 201 15th St. S., Brigantine. 609-266-0110 or AtlanticLibrary.org.
STORIES AND SONGS: 3 to 4 p.m. Tuesdays through Aug. 30; Atlantic County Library System, 305 New Jersey Ave., Absecon. 609-646-2228 or AtlanticLibrary.org.
TEEN SEAL TREAT NIGHT: 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.; for teens; enjoy ice cream and games, discuss upcoming events; Atlantic County Library System, 40 Farragut Ave., Hamilton; registration required. 609-625-2776 or AtlanticLibrary.org.
Wednesday, Aug. 24
AFTERNOON ADULT BOOK CLUB: 2 to 3 p.m. Aug. 24, Sept. 28; Public Library, 1058 E. Landis Ave., Vineland. 856-794-4244 or VinelandLibrary.org.
ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE — VIRTUAL CLASS: 7 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays, 10 a.m. Fridays through August; beginners class for non-native, English speakers; classes include interactive learning activities that focus on increasing the listening, speaking, reading, grammar, and writing skills; Public Library, 1 N. Tennessee Ave., Atlantic City. 609-345-2269 or ACFPL.org.
LIFE IN WAVES — ONLINE WORKING WOMEN’S GROUP: 7 to 8 p.m. second and fourth Wednesdays; support and discussion group for women in the workplace; hosted by Mental Health Association in Atlantic County. 609-652-3800 or MHAAC.info.
RATHER BE READING BOOK CLUB: 6 to 8 p.m. fourth Wednesdays through Aug. 31; Atlantic County Library System, 801 Shore Road, Somers Point. 609-927-7113 or AtlanticLibrary.org.
Thursday, Aug. 25
AL-ANON FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP: 8 to 9 p.m. Thursdays; Presbyterian Church, 6001 Main St., Mays Landing.
BOTTLE MANIA: 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.; discuss where to find old bottles and show off your own collection; Atlantic County Library System, 134 Philadelphia Ave., Egg Harbor City. 609-804-1063 or AtlanticLibrary.org.
CROCHET GROUP: 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursdays through Oct. 27; Atlantic County Library System, 134 Philadelphia Ave., Egg Harbor City. 609-804-1063 or AtlanticLibrary.org.
FAMILY MEETING SUPPORT GROUP: 10 a.m. to noon second and fourth Thursdays; support group for family members of individuals who live with a mental health concern. 609-652-3800 or MHAAC.info.
Friday, Aug. 26
AMERICAN MAH JONGG: 1 to 3 p.m. Fridays through Sept. 23; 2022 National Mah Jongg League card is required to attend; Wildwood Crest Branch, 6300 Atlantic Ave., Wildwood Crest. 609-463-6350 or Events.CMCLibrary.org.
‘LIGHTBULB’ ONLINE GROUP: 3 to 4 p.m. Fridays; virtual group presented by the Mental Health Association in New Jersey; weekly online discussion group and forum to ask questions about mental health and wellness. 609-652-3800 or MHANJ.org.
Monday, Aug. 29
LONGPORT NEEDLERS: 10 a.m. to noon Mondays; bring your needle/crochet craft project and join us for a time of crafting and socializing; Longport Public Library, 2305 Atlantic Ave., Longport. 609-487-7403 or LongportPublicLibrary.org.
Tuesday, Aug. 30
ADULT SURVIVORS OF CHILD ABUSE — ONLINE: 6:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesdays; support group for survivors of physical, sexual and/or emotional childhood abuse or neglect; meeting is online with an option to participate in person first and third Tuesdays at the Family Support Organization, 950 Tilton Road, Suite #108, Northfield. 609-652-3800 or MHAAC.info.
Thursday, Sept. 1
1ST THURSDAY BOOK CLUB WITH KATHY TWEED: 7 to 8 p.m. first Thursdays; meeting virtually on Zoom; discuss pre-selected readings with like minded individuals. 609-463-6350 or Events.CMCLibrary.org.
A GATHERING FOR WOMYN OF COLOUR MEETING: 6 to 7 p.m. first Thursdays through December; held virtually by the Mental Health Association; monthly meeting for women who are LGBTQ and members of the BIPOC community (Black, Indigenous, People of Color); Galloway Township. 609-652-3800 or MHANJ.org.
CREATIVE WRITING GROUP: 3:30 p.m. first Thursdays, 10 a.m. third Saturdays, through September; receive tips and feedback on poetry, memoirs, short stories, articles, and books; Public Library, 235 32nd St., Avalon. AvalonLibrary.org.
GRASS ROOTS UKELELE MEETS: 7 to 9 p.m. first Thursdays through December; second floor Art Center of the Ocean City Free Public Library, 1735 Simpson Ave., Ocean City. 609-335-2318.
TWP. OF HAMILTON GREEN TEAM MEETING: 7 to 8:30 p.m. first Thursdays; join the Township of Hamilton Green Team; Municipal Building, 6101 13th St., Mays Landing. lm********@to****************.com.
Monday, Sept. 5
HAMMONTON GREEN COMMITTEE & COMMUNITY GARDEN MEETING: 6:30 to 8 p.m.; find out what’s happening and get involved with the Hammonton Community Garden and other projects and initiatives with the Green Committee; Hammonton Town Hall, 100 Central Ave., Third Floor Meeting Room, Hammonton. 609-335-2750 or HammontonGreenCommittee.com.
Tuesday, Sept. 6
JERSEY CAPE WRITERS: 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. first and third Tuesdays; e-mail Je*****************@gm***.com to register; share your writing and ideas in a friendly and supportive environment; Cape May Court House Branch, 30 Mechanic St., Middle Township. 609-463-6350 or Events.CMCLibrary.org.
Wednesday, Sept. 7
‘TOO MUCH STUFF?’ MEETINGS: 1 to 2 p.m. first and third Wednesdays; hosted by the Mental Health Association in Atlantic County; online or call-in support for those with clutter challenges, collecting behaviors, or hoarding tendency. 609-652-3800 or MHAAC.info.
Saturday, Sept. 10
SOUTHERN NJ AFRICAN VIOLET CLUB: 10 a.m. to noon second Saturdays; Elwood Volunteer Fire Dept., 414 Elwood Road, Mullica Township; discuss plant care tips and needs; open to all; no membership fees; masks required and COVID-19 social distancing rules in effect. snjavc.org or email sn***********@gm***.com or Facebook@southernnewjerseyafricanvioletclub.
Tuesday, Sept. 13
NEW AVALON ASSEMBLY CHAUTAUQUA AT THE JERSEY SHORE: 7 to 8 p.m.; New Avalon Assembly at Chautauqua at the Jersey Shore; education and enrichment for adults; United Methodist Church of Avalon, 3344 Dune Drive, Avalon. 609-967-4204.
Wednesday, Sept. 14
ITALIAN CULTURE: 4:30 to 6 p.m. second Wednesdays through December; meet at the library with others interested in learning more about Italian art, music, architecture, history, and lifestyles; Public Library, 235 32nd St., Avalon; registration required. AvalonFreeLibrary.org.
SIBLING MEETING: 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. second Wednesdays through December; virtual meeting for siblings of adults with serious and persistent mental health concerns by the Intensive Family Support Services Program/The Mental Health Association in New Jersey. 973-571-4100 or MHANJ.org.
Thursday, Sept. 15
NATIONAL ACTIVE AND RETIRED FEDERAL EMPLOYEES: 1 to 3 p.m. third Thursdays; lunch meeting of South Jersey Shore Chapter 1664 of NARFE; current, retired and spouses of Federal Employees are welcome; Shore Diner, 6710 Tilton Road, Egg Harbor Township. 609-822-2018 or NARFE.net.
Tuesday, Sept. 20
AARP CHAPTER #4191 MID-ATLANTIC MEETINGS: 1 p.m. third Tuesdays, except June through August; for ages 50 and older; speakers on finance, health, estate planning; bus trips, games, refreshments; Galloway Senior Center, 621 White Horse Pike, Egg Harbor City. 703-725-5287 or 609-804-3082 or Mi*************@gm***.com.
ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT GROUP: 4 to 5 p.m. third Tuesdays; Seashore Gardens Living Center (SGLC) is offering a free monthly support group for family members and caregivers of loved ones with Alzheimer’s or dementia; 22 W. Jimmie Leeds Road, Galloway Township. 609-404-4848 or SeashoreGardens.org.
WOMEN OF COLOR DISCUSSION GROUP: 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. third Tuesdays; virtual group presented by the Mental Health Association in New Jersey; online networking, discussion, and wellness group for women of color. 609-652-3800 or MHANJ.org.
Tuesday, Sept. 27
ANIME/MANGA AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN: 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. fourth Tuesdays; for ages 16 and older; Atlantic County Library System, 134 Philadelphia Ave., Egg Harbor City; registration required. 609-804-1063 or AtlanticLibrary.org.
Health, fitness</&h1>
Wednesday, Aug. 24
EXPLORING SPIRITUALITY ONLINE WELLNESS GROUP: noon to 1 p.m. Wednesdays; hosted by the Mental Health Association in Atlantic County; wellness group exploring themes of faith, hope, sense of purpose, and fulfilment. 609-652-3800 or MHAAC.info.
MIND AND BODY VIRTUAL WORKSHOP: 11 a.m. to noon Wednesdays; workshop is provided to individuals who live with a disability; participants discuss topics such as adapting, goal setting, refocusing and more; offered by the Mental Health Association in Atlantic County. 609-652-3800, ext. 308 or MHAAC.info.
‘PRACTICING YOUR PRESENCE’: 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Wednesdays through Aug. 31; community meditation space instructed by Ted Costa; Woodbine Community Center, 812 Longfellow St., Woodbine. 609-463-6350 or Events.CMCLibrary.org.
WELL WEDNESDAY: 10 to 11 a.m. Wednesdays; mix of wellness events and opportunities to socialize; Public Library, 235 32nd St., Avalon. AvalonFreeLibrary.org.
ZUMBA WITH KELLIE: 5 to 6 p.m. Wednesdays; no meeting on June 15; Sea Isle City Branch, 4800 Central Ave., Sea Isle City. 609-463-6350 or Events.CMCLibrary.org.
Thursday, Aug. 25
‘RISING MINDS’ ONLINE MEETING: 6 to 7:30 p.m. Thursdays; offered by the Mental Health Association in Atlantic County; peer-led meeting for individuals age 18 to 30; participants discuss mental health, share experiences, develop tools for self-care and connect to others. 609-652-3800 or MHAAC.info.
YOGA: 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Thursdays through Aug. 25; hour of yoga instructed by Suzanne Kubik; bring a mat; Stone Harbor Branch, 9516 Second Ave., Stone Harbor. 609-463-6350 or Events.CMCLibrary.org.
Friday, Aug. 26
NICOTINE ANONYMOUS: 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Fridays; fellowship of men and women helping each other to live free of nicotine; 351 Cincinnati Ave., Egg Harbor City; free. 609-602-5701, 609-965-4847 or 609-226-4193.
PILATES FUSION: 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Fridays through Sept. 2; with Michelle Barbaro; Wildwood Crest Branch, 6300 Atlantic Ave., Wildwood Crest. 609-463-6350 or Events.CMCLibrary.org.
QIGONG VIRTUAL CLASS — VIRTUAL EVENT: 11 a.m. to noon Fridays through Aug. 26; easy-to-learn breathing techniques, stretches and gentle movements participants will learn to keep the Qi (life force energy) flowing, helping to promote relaxation, balance and flexibility; Public Library, 1 N. Tennessee Ave., Atlantic City. 609-345-2269 or ACFPL.org.
TAI CHI & QIGONG VIRTUAL CLASS — VIRTUAL EVENT: 11 a.m. to noon Fridays; virtual classes; participants will learn ancient mind, body and spirit practices; Atlantic City Free Public Library, 1 N. Tennessee Ave., Atlantic City. 609-345-2269 or ACFPL.org.
YOGA: 10 to 11 a.m. Fridays through Sept. 30; with Tanya Delfini; Sea Isle City Branch, 4800 Central Ave., Sea Isle City. 609-463-6350 or Events.CMCLibrary.org.
Sunday, Aug. 28
MEDITATION — ONLINE GROUP: 7:15 to 8 p.m. Sundays; offered by The Mental Health Association in Atlantic County; staff offer a guided calming meditation or breathing exercise; to receive a link by email and join the group online, email bt*******@mh***.org. 609-652-3800 or MHAAC.info.
Monday, Aug. 29
‘GOT STRESS?’ ONLINE GROUP: 4 to 5:30 p.m. Mondays; online group meets to discuss daily wellness, coping strategies and tools to relieve stress and reduce anxiety; offered by The Mental Health Association in Atlantic County; free. 609-652-3800 or MHAAC.info.
Tuesday, Aug. 30
DEALING WITH DEPRESSION SUPPORT GROUP: 7 to 8 p.m. Tuesdays; hosted by the Mental Health Association in Atlantic County; online support group for those living with depression. 609-652-3800 or MHAAC.info.
MEDICARE QUESTION AND ANSWER SEMINAR: 1 to 2:30 p.m. Aug. 30, Sept. 1; with Albert Miranda, independent licensed New Jersey Medicare insurance consultant agent; Woodbine Community Center, 812 Longfellow St., Woodbine; registration required. 609-463-6350 or Events.CMCLibrary.org.
‘MOVING WITH MICHAEL’ VIRTUAL EXERCISE CLASS: 10 to 11:15 a.m.; virtual event presented by the Cape May County Library; instructed by Michael Sazonov for older adults; registration required. 609-463-6350 or Events.CMCLibrary.org.
Thursday, Sept. 1
‘CREATIVE EXPRESSIONS’ ONLINE WELLNESS GROUP: 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. first and third Thursdays; online group to share artwork, discuss the creative process, and work on projects among peers; presented by the Mental Health Association in Atlantic County. 609-652-3800 or MHAAC.info.
Tuesday, Sept. 2
BODY IMAGE & BALANCE MEETINGS: 7 to 8 p.m. first and third Tuesdays; hosted by the Mental Health Association in Atlantic County; call-in and online group for those living with or recovering from disordered eating. 609-652-3800 or MHAAC.info.
Wednesday, Sept. 7
BOOMERS CONNECTION & WELLNESS HOUR: 7 to 8 p.m. first and third Wednesdays through December; presented by the Mental Health Association in Atlantic County; Boomers meet virtually or by call-in for a social connection and wellness group. 609-652-3800 or MHAAC.info.
Monday, Sept. 12
NAMI ATLANTIC CAPE MAY CONNECTION MEETING: 7 to 9 p.m. second Mondays; NAMI Connection is an in-person recovery support group for adults living with mental health issues; peer run group offers attendees a safe, confidential place to share and understand their experiences living with mental health issues; United Methodist Church of Absecon, 100 Pitney Road, Absecon; free. 609-741-5125 or NAMIACM.org.
NAMI ATLANTIC/CAPE MAY FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP: 7 to 9 p.m. second Mondays; in-person meeting for family members of individuals struggling with mental health illness and co-occurring addiction disorders; United Methodist Church of Absecon, 100 Pitney Road, Absecon; free, registration required. 609-741-5125 or NAMIACM.org.
Wednesday, Sept. 14
SIBLING MEETING: 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. second Wednesdays; meeting for siblings of adults with serious and persistent mental health concerns; support, education, coping strategies, resources and more; hosted by the Mental Health Association in New Jersey. 973-571-4100 or MHAAC.info.
Thursday, Sept. 15
HEALTHY LIVING WITH HOLLY: 5 to 7 p.m.; anti-aging nutrition; learn recipes for longevity; Stone Harbor Branch, 9516 Second Ave., Stone Harbor. 609-463-6350 or Events.CMCLibrary.org.
IFSS FAMILY MEETING: 7 to 8:30 p.m. third Thursdays; call in or join on Zoom; monthly evening meeting for family members of individuals who live with a mental health concern. 609-652-3800 or MHAAC.info.
Monday, Sept. 19
MEMORY CAFÉ: 2 to 4 p.m. third Mondays; light refreshments; all attendees must be accompanied by a caregiver/family member; place for those experiencing memory loss, as well as their caregivers and family members; Lower Cape Branch, 2600 Bayshore Road, Lower Township. 609-463-6350 or Events.CMCLibrary.org.
SURVIVORS OF SUICIDE ONLINE GROUP : 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. third Mondays; offered by The Mental Health Association in Atlantic County; for those who lost someone to suicide; via Zoom or by dial-in teleconference; both a therapist and a peer co-facilitate this meeting. 609-652-3800 or MHAAC.info.
Wednesday, Sept. 21
MONTHLY VIRTUAL ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP: 2 to 3 p.m. third Wednesdays; hosted by Alzheimer’s Association; for caregivers of individuals living with Alzheimer’s and others dealing with the disease; facilitated by trained individuals. 800-272-3900.
Wednesday, Aug. 24
GREENIE UNPLUGGED: MUSIC ON THE BEACH: 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays through Aug. 31; family-friendly live music performance by small musical groups; S. Benson Avenue and the Beach, behind Ventura’s Greenhouse, Margate. 954-650-7124 or MargateHasMore.com.
Thursday, Aug. 25
THURSDAY NIGHT CONCERT SERIES — BO RAINS DUO: 7 to 8 p.m. Thursdays; known for their rock, country, gospel music; 2384 E. Landis Ave., Vineland; free, donations welcome. 856-691-4278.
R&B SUMMER JAM CONCERT FUNDRAISER: 7 to 11 p.m.; presented by Cure Cancer With Music; Bourre, 201 S. New York Ave., Atlantic City; $40. 800-218-6374 or EventBrite.com.
Thursday, Sept. 1
GRASS ROOTS UKELELE MEETS: 7 to 9 p.m. first Thursdays through December; second floor Art Center of the Ocean City Free Public Library, 1735 Simpson Ave., Ocean City. 609-335-2318.
Saturday, Aug. 27
SHABBAT MORNING STUDY AT BETH ISRAEL: 9:15 to 10:15 a.m. Saturdays; join Rabbi Michael Feshbach for Shabbat Morning Study; Congregation Beth Israel, 2501 Shore Road, Northfield. 609-641-3600.
Saturday, Sept. 17
ATLANTIC CITY HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 1967: 6 to 10 p.m., St. James Memorial Hall, 6415 Atlantic Ave., Ventnor, $15, BYOB. 301-861-6721.
Saturday, Sept. 24
OAKCREST HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 1972: 50th Class Reunion; Harbor Pines Golf Club, 500 St. Andrews Drive, Egg Harbor Township; $72, reservations due by Sept. 1. 609-221-4851 or 609-457-2517.
Contact Jacklyn McQuarrie:
Contact Jacklyn McQuarrie:
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