February 13, 2025

By Vanessa Richardson Contributing columnist
The idea of leaving behind the 9 to 5 job and starting a business is probably the key to being more successful. It also helps to live a more fulfilling life for many people. However, not everyone succeeds in managing time and other resources effectively when they become their own boss. Manifest your destiny! Before you can safely say goodbye to your day job, you must examine your personality and test your skills. There are a few questions whose answers may help you bypass too much internal conflict. The process of starting your own business can be intimidating, but if you are selected for such a venture, you must understand that it will cost you something. As a result, you will sacrifice time, socializing with family and friends, and money. There are many more items I could add to this list. Sometimes you may feel that you weren’t chosen to become a successful entrepreneur due to hiccups on the road. Don’t let outside noise distract you. Stay focused. Also, beware of the inner noises that accompany self-doubt. Make sure you stay prayed up. Make sure you stay focused. Watch your vision manifest as you continue to believe.
Tip No. 1
Are you capable of self-motivation?
Motivation is the invisible force behind any successful action carried over an extended period of time. It is the desire to achieve or earn something that keeps you going when you would otherwise quit. Sometimes, the fear of failing and disappointing your coworkers and employees is the main source of your motivation to get a job done. Whatever the case, when venturing as an entrepreneur, there will be no one left to apply pressure on you, and you will have to do it yourself. Beware the fact that some people are naturally unable to impose self-discipline and clear goals for the future and rely on others to draw boundaries. Make sure you are not one of them.
Tip No. 2
What is your patience’s limit?
Being an entrepreneur means you will have to invest much more time than you do with a basic day job, especially at the beginning. There are few businesses able to provide immediate results, and depending on the case, you might wait a certain period of time before you can trace the line and come out in profit. Arriving at that point will require a lot of patience, as you will face many obstacles and problems that will test it. Patience often works best when accompanied by a little faith and being optimistic will certainly add a positive vibe to your hard efforts.
Tip No. 3
Do you have a safety net?
Not all business works, and there is no mystery here. The market is constantly changing, and you could easily hit either the crest, or the bottom of the wave. Investing all your resources and quitting any other side activity works only if you are 100% sure things will work out for you. Always leave some strings behind you and avoid making an abrupt transition from the safety of a paid job to the more troubled waters of being self-employed. Requesting a part-time schedule or working for your business in the evening might work for a while before you can become fully convinced and committed. Always put aside some funds or have someone back you up, as the risk of personal bankruptcy is a real one.
Tip No. 4
Are you still a student?
Many people learn new things all their lives, while others see no point in it and limit their experience to the period they were enrolled in formal education. There is no escape from continuous learning, as almost all professions and businesses require constant adaptation to the changing economic and social background. Having an open mind about what is new will help you find better alternatives as you evolve as an entrepreneur. There are a few traits that could easily identify you as a learner. Do you like to address a lot of questions, or do you simply accept facts and frugal explanations? Are you open to admitting that your knowledge and skills are limited? Are you ready to accept someone superior as your “teacher” and leave behind the vanity of “knowing everything”?
Tip No. 5
Do you know what lateral thinking is?
The traditional method of problem-solving entails searching for an answer in a linear, traditional manner, by following all logical steps in a sequential order. But when you look beyond the obvious, beyond the initial condition, when you search for the solution by allowing some randomness, and short-circuiting what common sense dictates, you might be surprised to discover creativity, innovation, and ultimately success. That is the power of lateral thinking, and every entrepreneur should be aware of it.
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