July 26, 2024

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Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], October 1 (ANI/NewsVoir): Wealth Creation Group, which has been catering to the needs and wants of a wide range of customers since 2015, is coming up with many innovative infrastructure projects such as ecologically sustainable farm housing and expanding its area of expertise in co-working spaces projects. These projects are going to be aligned with the proposed State Capital Region of Uttar Pradesh and will be a reliable and great opportunity for investors.
Wealth Creation Group has worked with more than 4000 clients and has full support of the highest customer retention rates. Along with ensuring a streamlined flow of funds on behalf of the customers and providing one of the best online trading accounts with high returns, Wealth Creation Group offers diversified investment advisory services to ensure that customized and timely advice reaches every client. Wealth creation provides its services in Portfolio Management, Fixed Deposit, Depository Services, Real Estate, and Invest Advisory, where their investment managers use cutting-edge technology and expertise to ensure they accomplish the client’s investment goals. As per projections, two new projects of Wealth Creation in Lucknow and Prayag Raj are expected to assure INR 1 crore monthly rental income.
According to a recent study conducted by 3EA, an Internationally acclaimed management consulting group, Wealth Creation Group is on the top position with respect to client satisfaction and business growth in eastern Uttar Pradesh, as compared to their competitors. Mr. Neeraj Gupta, Founder and Managing Director of Wealth Creation, mentioned that quick returns, easy access to the portfolio, and an on-time interest rate are some of the factors that have placed Wealth Creation Group in top position.
In collaboration with the Financial Planning Standards Board of India, Wealth Creation Group is coming up with the final version of their application to provide the most potential contribution to the goals of financial literacy and investment advising, after introducing their beta version in August 2022. Some of the features of this application include easy investment, live tracking of client’s portfolio. This application will be used to direct and assist society as a whole in boosting the standard for middle-class people’s information, knowledge, and wisdom on the right kind of investment.
According to Neeraj Gupta, the assets under management have more than doubled since FY08, due to recent trends like new distribution channels such as digital transactions, bank insurance, online distribution. There is huge potential for continued growth In Equities and Innovative Products.
According to another study conducted by 3EA, the coworking space industry has untapped potential for exponential growth in the years to come. The global rise of numerous start-ups has heightened the need for increased demand of resource maintenance such as, Co-working spaces. India ranks third from the top in terms of the start-up ecosystem in the whole world and has potential to make this industry bigger due to the advantages of environmentally friendly alternative to conventional workplaces. As per the report, the coworking spaces have experienced a massive jump in the last 4 to 5 years. In 2017, the coworking spaces were reported to be around 1.5 million sq. feet. By 2020, the numbers jumped up to as high as 10 million sq. feet. With such a jump in 3 years, one can only imagine the jump by the end of the decade.
This story has been provided by NewsVoir. ANI will not be responsible in any way for the content in this article. (ANI/NewsVoir)

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