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Tue, 13 Sep 2022 Today’s Paper
13 September 2022 12:00 am – 0     – {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}
Kiddoz, Sri Lanka’s first-ever Baby and Kids online marketplace, has been unveiled as the latest venture of leading Sri Lankan company LIMRA Holdings Limited.

Kiddoz is being developed in close consultation with the esteemed E-commerce Consultant, Fathhi Mohammed (Co-Founder of PickMe Sri Lanka), who has come on board as a Strategic Consultant.

As Sri Lanka’s first-ever parent-focused online ecosystem, Kiddoz marketplace provides parents and gift-givers an intuitive, convenient, online experience that connects them with trusted global and local brands, traditional retailers, and a unique network of home-based retailers. Kiddoz allows customers to shop for a wide selection of products for mothers, babies, and kids. 

One of the core objectives of Kiddoz is to boost entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka by empowering talented entrepreneurs seeking a platform to market their curated products and services. It aims to fill this gap and harness the power of local entrepreneurs within this industry by matching them with new markets.

 Therefore, a carefully-vetted network of home-based retailers providing quality-rated products and services have been given the opportunity to market their products through Kiddoz. Every seller can perform a multitude of functions easily such as intuitively owning and managing their online shops, modifying listings, identifying product showings, providing custom product offerings and more.

 Asvine Ganeshan – CEO of Kiddoz stated, “Having been in the industry for more than a decade, we’ve realised this industry has a gap in two key areas. First would be the parents and to-be parents being overwhelmed in trying to find the right shop to source the ideal products and brands for themselves, their children and babies. The second is small and home-grown local businesses not finding the right platform to reach their ideal target audience. Kiddoz was born with the key objective of bridging these gaps, through a convenient and intuitive all-in-one e-commerce marketplace.” 

 Fathhi Mohamed is the Co-Founder of DishServe, YOHO and PickMe and the Director of Founder Institute for Sri Lanka, the world’s largest pre-seed accelerator programme started at Stanford University. He commented, “Asvine and Akeel wanted to add a tech startup component to their portfolios, but they didn’t want to do it the traditional way of running an SME. This encouraged me to spend my time to guide them on how to achieve this goal. They applied the tech startup methodology to their existing business fundamentals and industry knowledge, which gave them the fuel needed for fast and sustainable growth even in these difficult market conditions.”
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Sell your vehicle & house fast with hitad.lk only cost is Rs.400, Advertise in Hitad.lk for free to sell your mobile phone. Want to sell your Pet, Advertise for Free in hitad.lk Search for Houses in Sri Lanka and find the best place through Hitad.lk find your best tuition place. Find the best partner for you, visit hitad.lk Find anything at any time hitad.lk.
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