January 14, 2025

The only daily news program focused exclusively on technology, innovation and the future of business from San Francisco.
Bloomberg Chief Washington Correspondent Joe Mathieu delivers insight and analysis on the latest headlines from the White House and Capitol Hill, including conversations with influential lawmakers and key figures in politics and policy.
NIO is the latest electric vehicle-maker to earn the aspirational label of “Tesla Killer.” However, just two years ago, NIO was almost bankrupt–a common problem in this nascent sector.
Shadow Profiles From Therapist Directory Spark Startup Backlash
Flight Disruptions Swell as Storms Hit Northeast US Airports
Twitter Seeks Musk Deal Insight From Larry Ellison’s Trust
Penguin CEO Defends Schuster Deal in Market Shaped by Amazon
Tesla Takes Pause From Months-Long Rally as Investors Clear 3-for-1 Split
Illinois Wins End to 50-Year Court Oversight of State Employment
Trump Tells Judge He Was Too Busy as President to Sue Clinton Sooner
SoftBank’s Next Pain Point Is Recognizing Private Asset Meltdown
Wealthy Americans Escape Tax Hikes in Bill But Would Face Beefed-Up IRS
Michigan Cuts Ties With Embattled Hockey Coach Mel Pearson
Warner Bros. Discovery Q2 Results Miss Wall Street’s View
The Global Economic Outlook Is as Clear as Mud
Unemployment Heads in the Wrong Direction for the Fed
A Crushing Defeat in November Would Help Democrats
Amazon’s Roomba Deal Is Really About Mapping Your Home
Crypto Companies Are Spending $2.4 Billion on Sports Sponsorships
IVF Patients Are Trapped in Limbo and Bracing for the Next Post-Roe Fight
VC Billionaire Marc Andreessen and Ultra-Wealthy Neighbors Thwart Housing in California Town
NYC Mayor Slams Texas Governor for Busing Migrants in Test of Sanctuary Cities
Women Drive Job Gains as US Labor Market Surges Back in July
Western Senators Secure $4 Billion for Drought in Spending Bill
Male Sea Turtles Are in Short Supply as Temperatures Rise
The Mission to Rescue Beirut’s Cultural Heritage From Rubble
The Cities Encouraging Healing With ‘Trauma-Informed Placemaking’
Across Europe, Gas-Strapped Cities Prepare to Power Down
Bankrupt Crypto Broker Voyager Plans to Resume Cash Withdrawals
Lambo Dealers Are Keeping Warm Despite Crypto Winter
Bitcoin Lingers Near $23,000 as Job Gains Weigh on Risk Assets
The growing popularity of platforms like Discord and Roblox is changing attitudes about screen time for teens, who found refuge online long before the pandemic.
Teens were among the first to bolster the popularity of the online game Among Us during the pandemic. 
Photo Illustration: Igor Golovniov/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images
If summer 2020 in Brooklyn had been anything like summer 2019, my 13-year-old son would have been at camp, sleeping in a tent, sending me monosyllabic postcards and, in moments of downtime, playing a game called Mafia. The role-playing game, created by Dimitry Davidoff in 1986, splits a cabin full of campers into two groups, the mafia and the villagers. During the “night” — eyes closed — the members of the mafia pick off one of the villagers. During the “day”— eyes open — the remaining players try to figure out where evil lurks among them. 
Instead, this summer, my son was at home, sleeping in a bed, learning how to be a Dungeon Master, sending me monosyllabic texts from another room and playing an online game called Among Us. The online role-playing game created by developer InnerSloth in 2018, splits a spaceship full of astronauts into two groups, “impostors” and “crewmates.” Impostors pick off the crew and sabotage the ship’s systems. Crewmates try to do their jobs and figure out where evil lurks among them.


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