January 14, 2025

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Launched in 2014, StoryBites is a weekly feature from YourStory, featuring notable quotable quotes in our articles of this past week (see the previous edition here). Share these 20 gems and insights from the week of September 6 – October 2 with your colleagues and networks, and check back to the original articles for more insights.
See also our pick of Top Quotes of 2021 on Entrepreneurship, Investment, Digital Transformation, Storytelling, The India Opportunity, Pandemic Resilience, Failure Recovery, Design, and Art.
[Year in Review 2021] 10 inspiring stories of people who made the world a better place
Organisations with a higher diversity have much higher chances of capturing new markets. They result in better decision-making and innovation. – Nidhi Gopal, Intuit India
Due to cultural and gender prejudices, women are frequently rejected for loans—many institutions prefer to support male-owned firms. – Sumana Iyengar, Goavega Software
The textile industry is one of the oldest in the world. The age-old inertia in the work patterns, processes, and operations continues. – Pooja Monga, Saltpetre
Retailers are reimagining everything from supply chain and retail operations to customer and associate experiences. – Suresh Kumar, Walmart Global Tech
Traditional industries are starting to offer micro-credentials, meaning the industry is becoming the educator. – Dulles Krishnan, Coursera
If there ever was a time when making predictions was hazardous, we are in it now. This uncertainty breeds restlessness in markets, making capital-raising hard. – Utkarsh Sinha, Bexley Advisors
Automation helps in increasing and maintaining quality standards. – Sudip Mullick, BMRM
[Year in Review 2021] Meet the businesswomen who made headlines this year
Startups are very much open to the idea of moonlighting. – Hardik Dave, Indika AI
It is likely that most companies will have an informal approach to moonlighting rather than announcing an explicit policy. – TN Hari, Artha School of Entrepreneurship
Moonlighting is a trend that is here to stay and it is a function of what the market needs as well. – Harold D’Souza, WalkWater Talent Advisors
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The demand for high-quality, point-of-care molecular diagnostic systems is higher than ever today. – Sriram Natarajan, Molbio Diagnostics
The need for impactful solutions in the behavioural health space is unquestioned. – Antoine Veyrassat, Fondation Botnar
Plastics are good for buckets; not for protecting your head. There is a reason why all track riders wear composite fibre helmets. – Alpana Parida, Tiivra
[Year in Review 2021] Meet the top 10 techies we celebrated this year
Employees are ditching the filter and are asking questions like why they must work on weekends. – Satyajit Menon, Innovaccer
There’s no way to say the hustle culture will wear off, but we can expect founders to make workplaces become employee-friendly. – Vivek Jayaraman, Leanpitch
Entrepreneurship powered by innovation has huge potential to address the problem of plastic waste and create an impact. – Smita Rakesh, Social Alpha
If you build the right model, scalability is not a question. – Shashank Kumar, DeHaat
Valuations can vary, but values are forever. – Divya Gokulnath, BYJU’s
YourStory has also published the pocketbook ‘Proverbs and Quotes for Entrepreneurs: A World of Inspiration for Startups’ as a creative and motivational guide for innovators (downloadable as apps here: Apple, Android).


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